About Us

Sts. Raphael Nikolaos and Irene parish was established in 1987. Ove the past 35 years the parish has served the orthodox community in the predominantly Greek neighbourhood of East York, although parishioners today are from all over the city.

We are a parish that adheres to the Julian Calendar, as such, we hold an anti-ecumenical stance; believing that ecumenism is eroding the teachings of our Holy Fathers and undermines True Orthodoxy. We are also a parish that does not ascribe to extremism, religious or otherwise, as it not of Christian love. We welcome all Orthodox who share our values

The parish has had a vibrant history, although at earlier times controversial. We have overcome the scandals of the early 1990s with the weeping icon. For the past 25 years the parish has flourished both in building renewal and in management, spiritual guidance and membership.

Parishioners have attested to the patron Saints works of miracles through their intercessions. We are blessed to have relics of the Saints at the parish for parishioners to venerate.

The parish holds services in liturgical Greek, interspersed with English chanting. Every second Saturday there is a full English liturgy.